The Largest corporation for Sales of used machine tool specialized on MCT, CNC LATHE, SWISS-TURN in Korea.    

Detail View

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[No.143] Manual Vertical Milling / CMV-1300
 EXW Condition PricesUNDER KRW 10 MLN

If you are interested in this item, please send an e-mail to the following address.
Please write down the number of this item in your mail. And
If you have and IEC(Importer-Exporter Code) number, please write it in your mail.
(Based on the buyer's credit level, FOB transaction conditions are also available
in addition to EXW transaction conditions.)

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 Product Information

Manufacturing Company


Production Year

2005년 이전

Working Capacity

Milling No.3


 Detail Information경기
YEAR : 1997
PRICE : USD 4,100(EXW Condition)
We have three.
Sellers information
Seller :

Sungin Choi

 E-mail :